
Healthcare technology is big business in Bothell thanks to Philips Healthcare, the leader in research, design and manufacturing of modern-day healthcare equipment worldwide. The main export from Philips’ 8-acre campus in Bothell (and one of Washington State’s top ten exports) is ultrasound equipment. 

Tech talk aside, Bothell has some exciting claims to business. In fact, Bothell’s revitalized Main Street, a charming destination of boutique shops and restaurants, is drawing more people and new business into the city. Then you have McMenamins Anderson School, what used to be Bothell’s first junior high back in1931, now operating as a multi-faceted destination for dining and entertainment on more than five acres. Bothell also gets to piggy-back off the popularity of its next-door-neighbor Woodinville — another magnet for local tourism with 100+ wineries and tasting rooms.

Adding to the influx of people is University of Washington Bothell, a lovely regional campus with a lot to offer, and people are taking notice. The campus, along with Bothell’s gentrification and a growing market in healthcare technology, is bringing in a new population of students. With that comes more opportunities for economic growth in the area.